Beta Version (10-Nov-2021)

For creators and filmmakers

Festgate is a free and easy to use service that helps filmmakers and events save time when sending and receiving films or projects by being able to maintain an entry order and an advanced management system.

Our platform does not charge any fee to creators for having their project registered and prepared in our database for sending to present or future events, registered on our platform.

Only the shipping fee "fee" of the events that have active payment categories will be paid, for the registration of the work. In no case will Festgate charge any additional fee to the creator.


You can create unlimited projects. (Photography, music and plastic arts will be admitted soon.)

Visibility in our movie database. (Optional)

Invitations and direct discounts from the event organizers.


How to create a project and send it to a festival or event?

1- To create a project, it is first necessary to register with a creator account "I am a Creator" in our system.

2- Once registered, you will have access to the control panel where you can create your project from the create button in the "Projects" menu section.

3- Once you have filled in your project file with all the necessary data, you can save it and view it from the "Eye" button under the heading of "Operations" in the list of projects created.

4- Once the project is created, you can link the link of your film or video with an external link from Vimeo, Youtube or .mp4 in the section of the tab "Link to the film for viewing" and if the link is password protected, You must also fill in the "Link password" field, so that the juries of the events where I sent the project can view and rate the work.

5- Access the list of “Festivals and Events” on our platform and click on the event that you like. Once on the event or festival page, you will be able to present the project from the button positioned in the "Submit project" header or from any of the deadlines defined within the blue drop-down categories available on the right side of the page.

Note: If there is no category in blue available on the right side of the page, it is because the event does not yet have the categories defined for the reception of works.

6- Once you have marked the category or categories where you want your work to participate, you can go to the shopping cart and finish the shipment. If all the selected categories are free, you will be redirected directly to the “Presentations” section of your control panel, where you can see to which categories and events your work has been sent. If the categories or any of the selected categories are for payment, you can make the payment by paypal or credit card. Once the transaction is completed, you will be redirected in the same way to the "Presentations" section of your control panel.

7- From the "Dates and Deadlines" table on the event pages, you will be able to know at any time what is the deadline that the event has defined to notify all participants about the status of their participation. However, as the members of the event mark the type of status of the selection of their work, you will receive an email with information about said status.


For any doubt or question you can write to us at